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Caronte & Tourist Group

“Navigo Per Te” Regulations

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“Navigo Per Te” PROGRAMME
Terms and Conditions

Caronte & Tourist S.p.A. (hereinafter, "C&T"), with registered office in via Ing. Giuseppe Franza 82, 98124, Messina, Tax Code and VAT number 00288990807, introduces the loyalty programme called "Navigo Per Te" (hereinafter also only the "Programme" or the "Initiative"), under the terms and conditions governed by this document (hereinafter, the "Terms and Conditions").


The Programme allows Holders to collect two categories of points ("Status Miles" and "Benefit Miles", jointly "Miles" or, in the singular, "Mile") through the purchase of C&T tickets or pedestrian subscriptions.

The Initiative is divided into three levels (hereinafter the "Levels"), which differ by virtue of the services that can be accessed, based on the number of Status Miles earned. The Programme also allows Holders to use the Benefit Miles accumulated to claim additional benefits.

This document governs the procedures for participating in and carrying out the Programme, as well as the terms and conditions for requesting, issuing and using the “Navigo Per Te” loyalty cards (hereinafter the "Loyalty Cards"), the Levels achieved by the Programme Holders and the methods of accumulation and use of the Miles.

Joining the Programme is free of charge.

Article 2 - HOLDERS

The Initiative is reserved for natural persons who have reached the age of eighteen at the time of registration for the Programme (hereinafter, the "Holders" or, in the singular, the "Holder").

Participation in the Programme for non-personal use is not allowed (by way of example and not limited to: travel agents, tour operators, accommodation facilities, and distributors in general).

Participation in the Programme of legal entities, or private or public bodies of any kind, is not permitted.

Article 3 - DURATION

The Initiative lasts from 12 December 2023 to 31 December 2025, without prejudice to any extensions, of which notice will be provided on the website and/or by other suitable means.

Each Holder may collect Miles until 31 December 2025, it being understood that the Benefit Miles earned up to that date may be used (and consequently the Benefits may be requested) no later than 31 January 2026.

All Miles credited but not used by the aforementioned date will be deleted. The Holder, duly enrolled in the Programme, has the right to participate in any subsequent edition, without prejudice to his/her right of withdrawal.


Participation in the Initiative is governed by these Terms and Conditions, which all Holders declare to know and accept at the time of registration for the Initiative, without reservation and/or exception.

To register for the Programme, the Holder must fill out the appropriate form through one of the dedicated channels:

  1. on the C&T website (hereinafter, the "Site");
  2. on the Caronte & Tourist app (hereinafter, the "App").

C&T reserves the right to provide for further channels and/or methods of registration for the Programme, even for limited periods of time, which will be communicated from time to time through the Site and/or by other suitable means.

Each Holder undertakes to provide complete, up-to-date and truthful data and information, as well as to communicate to C&T any change in the data and information provided, assuming all responsibility in the event of any false, incorrect and/or incomplete statements.

The Holder, during registration, must also confirm that they have read the information on the protection of personal data.

The Holder, once registered, can access their Reserved Area through the Site and/or through the app. The Holder is solely responsible for the confidentiality of their access credentials.

Once the registration procedure for the Programme has been completed, the Holder is assigned a personal identification QR code (hereinafter, the "Code") and is issued with a Loyalty Card, on which the Code is shown, in addition to the name, surname and photograph of the same.

The Card allows the Holder to enjoy the benefits provided by the Programme.

Loyalty Cards are assigned in digital format. Platinum Level Holders may be issued, if required, with a physical Card, subject to communication of the shipping details.

The Loyalty Cards exist in three levels:

  • Basic Level, with assignment of the “Navigo Per Te” Card;
  • Gold Level, with assignment of the “Navigo Per Te Gold” Card;
  • Platinum Level, with assignment of the “Navigo Per Te Platinum” Card.

By subscribing to the program you can select the “ISEE” option. This option is dedicated exclusively to residents in the metropolitan area of the Strait of Messina whose ISEE income bracket is equal or less than € 5.000,00.

The holder of a loyalty card associated with the ISEE option can get at a reduced price a round trip ticket having return within three days. The purchase is possible only through or C&T App.

Access to the facility will be confirmed only after receipt and validation of the following documentation :

  • copy of the holder’s identity document;
  • certificate of residence of the holder issued by not more than 90 days.
  • ISEE certificate of the holder issued by INPS.

Documents must be uploaded on the website during registration to the program or subsequently sent to the e-mail address

The Cards are nominative, personal, and non-transferable, and can only be used by the relative Holder.

The assignment of multiple Loyalty Cards to the same Holder is not allowed.

The physical card is the exclusive property of Caronte & Tourist and assigned on loan for use to the Holder.

In the event of loss, theft or damage to the physical Card, the Holder must immediately contact Customer Service and provide their name and email address. C&T will suspend the validity of the lost/damaged Card. Pending the issuance of a new Card by C&T, the Holder may continue to enjoy all the benefits included in the Programme (including those already acquired) using their Code. C&T will not be liable for any fraudulent and/or illegal use of any Card whose loss or theft the Holder has not reported.

All Holders, from the date of registration for the Initiative, will accumulate Miles in accordance with the provisions of the following article.


The Miles are categorised as Status Miles and Benefit Miles.

From the date of registration for the Initiative, Holders will earn 1 (one) Status Mile and 1 (one) Benefit Mile for each euro (one/00), excluding VAT, of expenditure for the purchase of tickets or pedestrian subscriptions on the Messina Rada S. Francesco-Villa San Giovanni route and vice versa (hereinafter, the "Travel Documents" or, in the singular, the "Travel Document").

Travel tickets purchased by the Holder in the period prior to registration for the Initiative (or re-registration, in the event of previous cancellation) will not contribute in any case to the accumulation of Miles. Re-registration also does not entitle you to the "Welcome Bonus".

The accumulated Miles are calculated at the "base rate": for this purpose, the sale price of the Travel Ticket, excluding VAT, the additional charge on the cost of fuel (the so-called fuel surcharge), and taxes, fees and contributions of all kinds. The resulting value is rounded down to the whole.

The Holder can view the number of Miles accumulated for each type of Travel Ticket at any time by consulting the Miles Table on the Site.

The Miles will be accumulated only for trips actually made, on foot and/or with a light vehicle in tow, i.e., bicycles, mopeds, motorcycles, cars (with any trailers in tow) and campervans. Any trips made by the Holder with other types of vehicles do not qualify for the accumulation of Miles.

The Miles will be accumulated only by the Holder who purchases the Ticket and not by any other passengers included in the same Ticket, even if they are registered for the Programme.

In any case, each Holder may not accumulate more than 1,000 (one thousand/00) Miles in each month of registration for the Programme.

In order to accumulate the Miles, each Holder is required to indicate their Code whenever they purchase a pedestrian ticket/subscription. In particular, only the Travel Tickets purchased through the sales channels and the methods described below qualify for the accumulation of Miles:

  • In the case of online purchases, by logging in and completing the purchase through the Reserved Area;
  • In the event of purchase at "staffed" ticket offices, showing your Card;
  • In the event of purchase at automatic ticket machines, presenting the Card;
  • In the event of purchase through the Telepass system, after linking the device (OBU) with your Navigo Per Te profile;

This list is to be understood as exhaustive. C&T reserves the right to provide for further sales channels and/or methods of collecting Miles, even for limited periods of time, which will be communicated from time to time through the Site and/or other suitable means.

In the event of a purchase carried out in a manner different from the aforementioned terms, the Holder will not be credited with Miles. Each Holder must always verify that their Travel Ticket indicates their Code.

In fact, the Holder is required to carry their Card, in physical or digital version, during the entire trip and to exhibit it at the request of the C&T personnel in charge of ticket control, who will verify the exact correspondence between the Code indicated at the time of the purchase and the one printed on the Card and/or displayed in digital format in the Reserved Area of the Site and/or the Holder's app.

Pursuant to the Conditions of Carriage, the C&T personnel in charge of the control may also verify whether the Travel Ticket has been issued in accordance with the regulations set forth therein. The Miles collected are credited within 7 (seven) days from the date of completion of a single stage of the journey. The exception to this is pedestrian-only subscriptions, for which the Miles are credited within 7 (seven) days from the date of purchase.

In the event that, after 7 (seven) days from the date of travel, the Miles have not been credited, despite the Code being correctly shown on the Travel Ticket, it is possible to request assistance by contacting C&T Customer Service, within 30 (thirty) days from the journey.

The Travel Tickets purchased must be kept until the Miles are credited by C&T, which, for this purpose, reserves the right to request their presentation and/or communication of the details.

The following do NOT qualify for the accumulation of Miles:

  • tickets/pedestrian subscriptions purchased before registering for the programme;
  • tickets purchased but not used;
  • tickets purchased but subsequently cancelled and refunded;
  • any amounts withheld following the cancellation of a ticket as a "penalty";
  • tickets purchased by the Holder but used by third parties;
  • tickets/pedestrian subscriptions purchased in different ways and/or through sales channels other than those expressly indicated in this document, unless otherwise communicated by C&T;
  • tickets issued free of charge;
  • tickets/pedestrian subscriptions issued as Benefits, within the framework of the Programme;
  • tickets/pedestrian subscriptions purchased during promotional periods or at special rates, or with a promo code or through a Discount Voucher;
  • tickets for the Messina Tremestieri–Villa San Giovanni line and vice versa;
  • tickets for other lines operated by Caronte & Tourist and the companies of the Caronte & Tourist group;
  • the amount paid as an additional charge on the cost of fuel (the so-called fuel surcharge);
  • VAT and other taxes, fees and contributions of any kind, withheld by C&T under laws or regulatory regulations;
  • any other product or service not expressly indicated in the Miles Table.

At any time, C&T reserves the right to cancel the Miles that, following checks carried out, have been improperly accumulated or are the result of abnormal and/or unjustified uploads, following simple communication to the Holder.

The Status Miles accumulated are valid for 1 (one) year from the Holder's date of registration for the Programme. At the end of this period (hereinafter, the "Qualifying Period"), the Status Miles Balance will be reset to zero and a new Qualifying Period of the same duration will begin, during which the Holder will be able to collect Status Miles again. The Qualifying Periods are renewed with an annual duration until the expiry of the Programme.

In any case, the Status Miles expire on the end date of the Programme (31 December 2025), unless there are any extensions.

The Benefit Miles accumulated are valid for 1 (one) year from the date of each credit. Their expiry is therefore gradual.

The residual Benefit Miles can be used within 1 (one) month from the end of the Programme (31 January 2026), unless there are extensions of the Programme.

By accessing the Reserved Area on the Site, the Holder can view both the "Status Miles Balance", meaning the total of the Status Miles accumulated during the current Qualifying Period, and the "Benefit Miles Balance", meaning the total of the Benefit Miles earned in the last 12 months, net of those expired and those already used for the Benefit application. For each group of accredited Benefit Miles, the Holder will be able to see the relative expiry date.

Miles can be used exclusively for the purposes and in the manner indicated in this document. They cannot be converted and settled in cash. They also cannot be assigned or transferred to other Holders.

C&T reserves the right to verify at any time that the accumulation of the Miles and the relative balance comply with these Terms and Conditions and any provision related to the same and, in the case of non-adherent and/or non-compliant conduct, to implement any type of action and/or initiative for its protection (by way of example and not limited to the suspension of the Card and/or the usability of the benefits of the Programme, the deletion of the Miles, or removal from the Programme). Further checks may be carried out on the occasion of the level change and the request for Benefits.

C&T, during some periods of the Programme, may activate promotional initiatives, for limited times, relating to the recognition of more favourable conditions for the accreditation of Miles, which will be duly communicated from time to time to the Holders involved through the Site and/or by other suitable means.


The Status Miles accumulated will contribute to associating the Holder with a level that will entitle them to dedicated benefits (hereinafter the "Bonus").

The Levels and Loyalty Cards are divided as follows:

  • Basic Level, with assignment of the "Navigo Per Te" Card;
  • Gold Level, with assignment of the "Navigo Per Te: Gold" Card;
  • Platinum Level, with assignment of the "Navigo Per Te: Platinum" Card;

When registering for the Programme, the Holders are automatically included in the Basic Level. Holders resident in Sicily and/or in the metropolitan area of the Strait of Messina are instead automatically included in the Gold Level, and maintain this minimum Level, except for any change to the Platinum Level linked to the earning of the necessary Status Miles.

At any time that the Holder, following the accreditation of new Status Miles, may accumulate a sufficient Status Miles Balance to access a higher Level, they will be automatically recognised as the corresponding Level until the end of the current Qualifying Period, subject to further Level progressions.

At the end of each Qualifying Period, the Status Miles Balance will be reset to zero. The Holder will, however, maintain the Level reached also for the following Qualifying Period, during which they will be able to accumulate the Status Miles again.

If, at the end of this subsequent Qualifying Period, the Status Miles Balance of the Holder is lower than the threshold for access to their Level, they will lose the Level achieved and will return to the corresponding Basic Level or other Level based on the Status Miles accumulated.

In any case, it is without prejudice to the use of any Bonuses already requested, but not yet used. In any case, the expiry of all the Status Miles upon termination of the Programme remains unaffected, unless there are any extensions.

1) Basic Level

The Basic Level allows the Holder to enjoy the following Bonuses:

  • Welcome bonus; ¹
  • Birthday gift; ¹
  • Progressive discount system.

2) Gold Level

In order to achieve or maintain the Gold Level, the Holder must have a Status Miles Balance of at least 400 (four hundred/00), without prejudice to the above for residents in Sicily and/or in the metropolitan area of the Strait of Messina.

The Gold Level allows the Holder to enjoy the following Bonuses:

  • Welcome bonus; ¹
  • Birthday gift; ¹
  • Same-day return for the outbound fare; ¹
  • Progressive discount system.

3) Platinum Level

In order to achieve or maintain the Platinum Level, the Holder must have a Status Miles Balance of at least 2,000 (two thousand/00).

The Platinum Level allows the Holder to enjoy the following Bonuses:

  • Welcome bonus; ¹
  • Birthday gift; ¹
  • Same-day return for the outbound fare; ¹
  • Progressive discount system;
  • Priority boarding; ²
  • Coffee on board;
  • Dedicated customer service.

The use and availability of some Bonuses may be subject to limitations, on some days and/or for certain routes, based on the objective limited availability, due to logistic reasons, without prejudice to the rights acquired by the Holders and in compliance with their equal treatment.

¹ Bonus availables only on or within the C&T App.

For more details on the operation of the individual Bonuses and any limitations, please refer to the Site, the section relating to the Navigo Per Te Programme and the Holder's Reserved Area.

C&T reserves the right, upon notice on the Site, to implement promotional initiatives for limited periods aimed at reducing the access threshold that each Holder will have to reach in each period to obtain and/or maintain the higher level.

C&T also reserves the right to offer, for the duration of the Initiative, new and/or additional Bonuses, with respect to those indicated, even for limited periods of time, of which the Holders will be notified through the Site and/or by other suitable means.

² Each customer will receive once a month a voucher valid for a priority boarding; the voucher expires on the last day of the month in which it is issued. Priority boarding is guaranteed provided that the ticket has been associated with the plate number of the vehicle that must have priority access. C&T is not responsible for the path that the customer must follow to reach the priority access point.


The accumulated Benefit Miles may be used by the Holder within 12 months from the date of each credit (and in any case no later than 31 January 2026) to request additional benefits offered by C&T, consisting of Free Tickets, Discount Vouchers or other ancillary services (hereinafter, the "Benefits").

In this regard, it should be noted that this Initiative does NOT constitute a bonus transaction pursuant to Italian Presidential Decree 430/2001 and is among those "exempt" from the provisions of Italian Presidential Decree 430/2001 pursuant to Article 6, lett. c and lett. c-bis, as it is aimed at retaining the users of the services provided by C&T, through vouchers or discounts on the same or other benefits inherent to services or products ancillary to the use of the services themselves.

The list of individual Benefits, the number of Benefit Miles necessary to request them, as well as any limitations applicable to them (hereinafter, the "Benefit Menu"), may be consulted in the Holder's Reserved Area.

The Benefit Menu is subject to change with a quarterly periodic update. Every 3 (three) months, the new, updated Benefit Menu will be published.

The Benefits may be requested by the Holder exclusively through their Reserved Area on the Site and/or on the C&T App.

At the time of the request for the Benefit(s), C&T will verify the Benefit Miles and the regularity of the Holder's status. Once the procedure has been completed, the choice can no longer be cancelled or modified and the Benefit Miles corresponding to the chosen Benefit(s) will be deducted from the Benefit Miles Balance.

If the accumulated Benefit Miles are not sufficient to claim any Benefit, the Holder will have nothing to claim from C&T, nor will they be entitled to any sum of money for the accumulated and unused Benefit Miles.

Free Tickets will be provided at the same time as the request and will be displayed in your Reserved Area.

The C&T Conditions of Carriage apply to the Free Tickets issued, unless otherwise provided for in this document.

Discount Vouchers will be provided by issuing a unique code and will be displayed in your Reserved Area. Each Discount Voucher expires 3 (three) months after its request.

The Discount Vouchers can be used for the payment of the "sea freight" for this purpose, meaning the sale price of the ticket, excluding the additional charge on the cost of fuel (the so-called fuel surcharge) and taxes, fees and contributions of all kinds. These additional costs must be paid at the time of purchase of the ticket by the Holder/purchaser.

Only one Discount Voucher can be used for each ticket. The Discount Vouchers may not be combined with each other and may not be combined with other discounts, with special rates, or with other offers or promotions of any kind, unless otherwise specified by C&T.

Discount Vouchers can be used to purchase tickets even if their amount is less than the value of the same: in this case, the Discount Voucher does not include the right to obtain any change and cannot be used on a residual basis for further purchases.

Other Benefits will be provided in the manner indicated at the time of the request.

In the event of a dispute between the Holder and C&T, the latter reserves the right to suspend the assignment of the requested Benefit(s) until such a time as the dispute in question is definitively resolved.

Unused Benefits are not renewable or refundable in any way and do not entitle you to a refund of your used Benefit Miles. Benefits are nominative and are not assignable or transferable to third parties.

C&T, in the event that it is not able to honour the requested Benefit due to supervening impossibility deriving from causes not attributable to it, reserves the right to replace it with other benefits.

The use and availability of the Benefits may be subject to limitations, on some days and/or for certain routes, based on the objective limited availability, or due to logistical reasons, without prejudice to the rights acquired by the Holders and in compliance with their equal treatment.

The provisions of the C&T Conditions of Carriage apply in any case.

For more information about the Benefits, please refer to the Site and the current Benefit Menu.


The advertising of the Initiative will comply with these Terms and Conditions and shall be carried out through the official channels or any other forms of advertising by C&T. Any changes, which (in compliance with the rights acquired by the Holders) may be made to these Terms and Conditions during the course of the Initiative, will be communicated to the Holders in advance using the same methods of communication to the public reserved for these Terms and Conditions, by way of example in the “Navigo Per Te” section on the website, and shall be effective from the date indicated in the relative communications.

These Terms and Conditions and the information on the protection of personal data will be available on the Site. Participation in the Initiative implies full and unconditional acceptance of any provision and/or rule and/or clause contained in these Terms and Conditions without limitation or reservation. It is the Holder's responsibility to consult the conditions, methods of use and validity of the Miles.

For any information about the Programme and/or the Terms and Conditions, you can consult the section or, alternatively, contact Customer Service at 090 5737, or email

C&T may send to the Holders communications relating to the Programme, the use of the Bonuses and Benefits and the management of their Reserved Area (e.g. communications relating to the balance and/or expiration of the Miles).


Each Holder may withdraw from the Programme at any time and free of charge through their Reserved Area on the Site. From the date of receipt by C&T of the notice of withdrawal, all the Miles accumulated, as well as the rights related to the ownership of the Card and the Level attained, will be lost. Any Holder who withdraws from the Programme must return the physical Card at their own responsibility and expense. Withdrawal from the Initiative involves automatic deletion from the Reserved Area on the Site.

If you withdraw from the Initiative, you will be able to re-register at a later date. In this case, the accumulation of the Miles will take place from the date of the new registration and any Miles previously collected and not used cannot be used or recovered in any way.


At any time, C&T may make changes and/or updates to this document, publishing the new versions on the Site.

C&T reserves the right to modify, even partially and at any time, the methods of membership and use of the Initiative, without prejudice to the rights acquired by the Holders and in compliance with their equal treatment.


Each Holder hereby gives their express consent to the transfer of this Programme to any third party whose name will be communicated by C&T to the Holder on the Site, by email and/or by other suitable means.


These Terms and Conditions are governed by Italian law. Any dispute relating to the validity, effectiveness, interpretation and/or execution of the Terms and Conditions shall be referred to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Messina, to the exclusion of any other Judicial Authority, without prejudice to the possible application of mandatory provisions of the law including, where applicable, those dictated by Italian Legislative Decree no. 206 of 6 September 2005 (the so-called "Consumer Code").


This Initiative does NOT constitute a bonus transaction pursuant to Italian Presidential Decree 430/2001 and is among those "exempt" from the provisions of Italian Presidential Decree 430/2001 pursuant to Article 6, lett. c and lett. c-bis, as it is aimed at retaining the users of the services provided by C&T, through vouchers or discounts on the same or other benefits inherent to services or products ancillary to the use of the services themselves.

Article 14 - FORCE MAJEURE

C&T does not assume any responsibility for events not attributable to it, such as but not limited to: technical problems of any kind (for example: dysfunction and/or difficulties regarding technical tools, the computer, the telephone line, the cables, the electronics, software and hardware, the transmission and connection, or the internet connection) that may prevent the Holders from participating in this Initiative.

The Initiative may also be temporarily suspended due to technical problems, maintenance, testing and/or updates. For such cases, as well as for any event and/or fact and/or act deriving from or referable to, Governmental Authorities and/or third parties and/or any event that may make it impossible and/or unforeseeable and/or limit, even only temporarily, the ordinary performance of the Initiative, C&T does not assume any responsibility towards the Holder/Registered Holder, nor any obligation of compensation and/or indemnity, nor any obligation to re-credit the Miles.

C&T does not assume any responsibility in the event of non-contact with the Holders and/or failure to provide the Benefits due to the provision by the Holders of incorrect and/or untrue and/or outdated addresses and/or personal data and/or full email inboxes and for any technical problem not dependent on the will of C&T.


C&T reserves the right to carry out all the checks related to the correct participation in the Initiative.

C&T reserves the right to exclude from the Programme, by revoking the Digital Card and requesting the return of the physical Card, at any time and with simple communication by email, any Holders who have engaged in conduct that does not comply with the law, the operating rules of the Programme, the C&T Conditions of Carriage or the C&T Code of Ethics, or that have provided false or untrue information.

Exclusion from the Programme implies the immediate cancellation of all the Miles and the loss of all the benefits and advantages not enjoyed, even if already earned.

No excluded Holder will not be allowed to re-register for the Programme, unless otherwise decided by C&T.

In any case, C&T reserves the right to proceed, in the terms deemed most appropriate and in compliance with the laws in force, in order to limit and inhibit any initiative aimed at circumventing the system devised and the mechanics of the Initiative.


Messina, 15 Febbraio 2024