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Monday, 13 January, 2020 - 10:30

Act II of You come down from the stars: the gospel of Cantica Nova

You come down from the stars

The Onde Sonore event "You come down from the stars" masterfully ends with a very unique concert lead by the Cantica Nova Gospel Choir, a ensemble of more than twenty choristers who, thanks only to the use their vocal cords, have recreated an atmosphere in perfect line with the Christmas spirit, as the title of the event suggests.

A unique opportunity on Italian soil - or better, on the sea – the one to attend an entire "a cappella" performance, as the black-American tradition wants.

The impeccable direction of the master Francesco Saverio Messina and the preparation of Cantica Nova underlined the passion of a group in vogue in the Messina province for three decades. The choir, in fact, was born in Milazzo in 1989 and made its concert debut as early as 1990.

Today they spread in the territory a repertoire that offers polyphonic vocal music and that is composed of songs ranging from sacred to profane, from classic and refined to contemporary and popular. They also have recorded important participations and rewarding awards at national and international choral festivals.

During Onde Sonore event, the gospel, spiritual and soul songs typical of the African-American tradition were alternated with songs of the international Christmas tradition in a succession of solo voices, chorus and rhythm marked by the guitar of Andrea Messina – that was also an entertainer in moments of intermission. Palpable technical skills and the right choice of offering also a pop repertoire certainly made up the success of the performance: pieces by Aretha Franklin, Michael Jackson and Paul Simon alternated with traditional sacred songs involved the audience who, incredulously, enjoyed well three hours of performance.