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The island of the flying women

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Ferries to Alicudi (Aeolian Islands)

Siremar will take you by ferry to Alicudi, the jewel of the Aeolian Islands. Both in summer and winter, our vessels depart from Milazzo and Naples, servicing the internal connections between all the islands of the archipelago.

Book online your ticket aboard the Siremar ferries and treat yourself to an unforgettable journey.

The island of the flying women

Alicudi is called "The Island of the Flying Women" because of a collective hallucination that struck the inhabitants of Alicudi in the first half of the 20th century following the consumption of rye flour, ingested through bread, biscuits and pasta.

When you disembark from the Siremar Caronte & Tourist Isole Minori ferry, you feel as though you have arrived in a place where time is suspended. Through its unique scenery, the island tells its story, which is sometimes tragic due to invasions and looting. There is evidence of a natural forte, the Timpone delle Femmine, where women were safely hidden during the Saracen raids.

An ancient story that is lost in the mists of time: in the Fucile area, in fact, sarcophagi were found in lava, containing a large number of precious earthenware and vases dating back to the 4th century B.C.

Alicudi is a miniature paradise where man and nature are able to coexist in harmony. An island that remains permanently ingrained in your heart. In the Pianicello area, west of the town, there is a small district at a height of 450 metres. The inhabitants are all German-speaking and live in the village almost all throughout the year.

How to reach the Siremar departure point:

Follow the street signs to the port.

Places of interest close to the boarding area:

The San Bartolo district
San Bartolo is a small town situated 330 metres from the sea. You reach this hamlet via a paved road that extends from the port. From here, you can also reach the Chiesetta del Carmine - little Carmine Church - immersed amongst the vegetation.

Trip duration:

  • From Milazzo: c.a. 8 hours

Travelling time may be subject to variations due to meteorological conditions.

Ticket offices

Agency: Alicudi di Scaldati Francesco
Via Porto
Ph. +39.328.6559228